Wednesday, March 2, 2011

#3750 Day Four and Five

Where to start?...

I'm back to Roscoe, Tony just doesn't fit him like Roscoe does. Also, it's a big plus that he responds to Roscoe, and in a positive manor. I scheduled his neuter for next week, and thanks to my Mom, I won't have to try to finagle time off work. I can drop him off before hand, and she's going to pick him up for me and bring him to me when I get off work... It's a huge help to me. His neuter is the last thing standing between him and adoption through GOBR. It's really going to be hard to see him go, it's only been five days and he's already left a paw print on my heart. I still have to do his write up for PetFinder...

Outside of a scuffle that I'm sure Dahnke started with Roscoe last night while I was in the bathroom (see what happens when I lock the door!?) Last night was rather uneventful. I did get a couple more pictures which have been updated accordingly in my blog and with the group. In case you are wondering, the scuffle was resolved with my trusted squirt bottle followed by a ten minute cooling off period in their crates. I had them all out for the remainder of the evening without any problems. I'm just going to have to keep an eye on Dahnke. She's absolutely fine with Medwin. Never harmed a hair on his furry little butt. (And he pesters her CONSTANTLY). But this is why I'm recommending her to a single pet household. She would be happiest in a house with just her and her person...

Dahnke's back story is a post all it's own. I'll share that one later.

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